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  • Writer's pictureDaryl Ullman

Get Everything in Writing when negotiating a commercial contract

When you are in the closing stage of a negotiation with a multinational corporation, make sure you have all agreements regarding concessions, special terms and conditions drafted into a formal contract.

Do not accept local subsidiary letters, mailed notes, or verbal promises, as none of these have any legal status. Document all offerings made during the discussions and make sure they appear in the final agreement before it is signed. Too often, negotiators offer additional benefits during the negotiation process that do not appear in the final agreement. Only later does the company discover the discrepancy, and by then, it is too late. If it is not in the agreement, as far as the law and the multinational HQ consider it, it does not exist.

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Daryl Ullman


I guide companies through difficult negotiations, sharing two decades of experience as a professional negotiator. I am the author of Negotiating with Microsoft, the first book to have challenged how to negotiate with a software giant and win

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